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Maniak MEGA1 Black

Immediate shipment
3 Reviews


Thanks to the Maniak MEGA1 you will be able to exercise your whole body thanks to its extensive list of included functions and accessories.

Built with the aim of achieving maximum stability, the Maniak MEGA1 power rack does not need anchors or extra measures for its complete and safe use.

It occupies an area of ​​3.5 square meters.

Manufactured with 50x70x2mm steel tubes with powder paint and chrome finish.

14 + 14 weight plates of 6kg + 6kg of the structure on each side, so you can accumulate up to 90Kg on each side.

6 Olympic disc holders and 2 bar holders.

8 closures for olympic discs.

Short and long safety racks (Jcups). Protected with ABS.

Pulley system with interchangeable ratio (2:1 or 1:1) indicated for training small muscle groups or movements that require a greater load.

Accessories for funds and pull-ups.

Accessories for exercise variations (V handles, triceps rope, ankle strap, etc.).

Smith machine with a 30-millimeter diameter on the bar and compatible with Olympic discs (Discs not included). You can load a maximum of 200 kg.

Monolift: designed with handles that act as a counterweight so that when lifting the bar they automatically move back towards the rack, allowing the athlete free movement, avoiding wasting energy with the loaded bar. By placing the bar on them again, they will return to their initial situation, preparing the next series of exercise.

Jammer arm: its handles allow different grips to work different muscle groups, likewise, its arms can be used together or individually. You can load them with discs or hook the weight included with the rack (Up to 90 kilos for each arm)

It can be used for flat and incline bench press exercises (by adding an incline bench), deadlift, or standing press, for example.

Leg press: Indicated to work the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves in an integrated way. An inclined bench is necessary for its realization.

Landmine (LMA): Provides a benefit in the Core due to the imbalance generated by the load by varying the angle during the movement, exercising your stability. An Olympic bar is necessary for its use.

Rack Knee Holder (RKH): The knee support allows, thanks to its padding, the use of heavier loads safely.

Training Action Display Board (TADB): Sample panel where you can see the possible exercises that you can perform with the Maniak MEGA1 power rack.


Maniak MEGA1 Black
By S************n | A month ago Una Maravilla Tras varios meses desde que la tengo solo puedo decir que es una autentica maravilla. La calidad es increible y el abanico de posibildades te permite realizar entrenamientos completisimos. Encantando con la compra
Maniak MEGA1 Black
By F************S | ago 2 months INCREIBLE No hecho nada de menos para mis entrenamientos y es una estructura super robusta.
Maniak MEGA1 Black
By F************S | Less than a month ago INCREIBLE No le doy las 5 estrellas, porque se queda un poco bajo a la hora de hacer dominadas lastradas, ya que si en vez de 200cm de alto, tuviera 230cm, sería algo indispensable en tu zona de entrenamiento. La cantidad de ejercicios que se puede realizar, asi como la calidad del producto es INCREIBLE. Super contento con la compra. Pero mejoraría la altura de la estructura.


  • The delivery time will depend on the country of destination. For more detail, contact us.


  • This service is door-to-door delivery, the driver will unload and leave the goods at street level. If a special delivery service is required, the customer must contact MANIAK FITNESS in advance to arrange this service.


  • The customer will have a maximum of 48 hours after receipt of the order to check the integrity of the items. Once this period has elapsed, the shipment will be considered accepted and no claims will be accepted for damage or faults with the shipment.


  • In case of product damage or non-conformity due to transport, it is advisable to contact us within 24 hours via the contact from.


All products are covered by a 3-year warranty. The warranty does not cover defects caused by incorrect use of the product and/or handling of the product in a manner other than that for which it was designed. In such cases the consumer will be responsible for repair.  For more details on the warranty conditions, please visit this website link.


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