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Inertial platform Black

Immediate shipment
7 Reviews


The particularity of this machine is that it allows for much greater emphasis on the eccentric part of the movement, as well as on the transition between the eccentric and concentric phases (essential for athletic performance).

Since the vast majority of injuries occur right in the eccentric phase of the movement, this platform is an ideal complement for the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries. This is why they are widely used in physiotherapy clinics, specialized training centers, professional football teams, and other sports.

It comes with several accessories, such as a harness, a bar, and a handle, which will facilitate the practice of most exercises (squat, deadlift, rows, curls...)

It also includes 3 inertia discs with different weights for working independently or combining them:

  • 30cm 3.15kg
  • 27cm 2.65kg
  • 22cm 1.7kg

Each disc adds significant inertia to the system, ideal for achieving maximum specificity in the movement and working each exercise at higher speeds or closer to absolute maximum strength (movements of lower speed but much greater load).

It is a machine that is easy to transport, takes up very little space, and allows for high-intensity work, ideal for strength, hypertrophy, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.



Inertial platform Black
By F************r | ago 11 months Plataforma inercial Preto Melhor compra de sempre no que toca a preço/qualidade. E os discos do modelo mais caro servem perfeitamente.
Inertial platform Black
By A************z | A month ago Muy práctico Viene genial a la hora de hacer piernas, lo que el arnés resulta un tanto incómodo, mejor con cinturón en mi caso.
Inertial platform Black
By R************z | A month ago Plataforma versátil Máquina que permite ejercitar múltiples grupos musculares ocupando muy poco espacio. Precio calidad excelente.
Inertial platform Black
By I************n | ago 8 months Calidad/Precio inmejorable No hay ninguna en el mercado con unas prestaciones iguales o mejores de esta gama.
Inertial platform Black
By F************z | ago 3 months PRECIO INMEJORABLE No vas a encontrar una plataforma inercial de estas características a mejor precio que este, recomendable!!


  • The delivery time will depend on the country of destination. For more detail, contact us.


  • This service is door-to-door delivery, the driver will unload and leave the goods at street level. If a special delivery service is required, the customer must contact MANIAK FITNESS in advance to arrange this service.


  • The customer will have a maximum of 48 hours after receipt of the order to check the integrity of the items. Once this period has elapsed, the shipment will be considered accepted and no claims will be accepted for damage or faults with the shipment.


  • In case of product damage or non-conformity due to transport, it is advisable to contact us within 24 hours via the contact from.


All products are covered by a 3-year warranty. The warranty does not cover defects caused by incorrect use of the product and/or handling of the product in a manner other than that for which it was designed. In such cases the consumer will be responsible for repair.  For more details on the warranty conditions, please visit this website link.


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